Diet: Bearded dragons are omnivores that accept a wide variety of foods. Variety is the key to good nutrition and foods offered should include: Vegetable matter, offered as a chopped salad, should make up approximately 50-55% of the adult dragon diet. Dark leafy greens (such as collard greens, kale, romaine, dandelion, turnip greens, mustard greens, beet greens, bok choy, swiss chard, spinach, chicory, escarole) are all excellent options. You should aim to have 5-10 different vegetables in their salads as variety is key for these lizards. Other chopped or grated vegetables may comprise up to 20% of the diet (squash, zucchini, sweet potato,…
Adult Bearded Dragon
Husbandry Guide
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Leopard Gecko
Husbandry Guide
Diet: Leopard Geckos are carnivores, they eat 100% insect protein. As their diet consists exclusively of a variety of insects, it is vital to your leopard geckos health to provide many different choices when it comes to their diet. In order to maintain a well rounded nutrient profile it is crucial that you feed multiple different kinds of insects on a weekly basis. This is extremely manageable as you can purchase bugs individually at Northern Pet Emporium, making it easy to buy what you need for the week and avoid uneaten insects going to waste. You should feed a juvenile gecko…
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Australian Water Dragon
Husbandry Guide
Diet: Australian Water Dragons are omnivores, meaning they eat both insects as well as fruits and vegetables. Reptiles need variety, so ideally the Australian Water Dragon would be offered a salad every day, as well as insects every other day. The days that overlap, salads & insects the dragon can be served a bowl of salad and insects together to entice eating. Salads should mostly consist of a variety of greens, as well as the occasional fruit as a treat. Too much fruit can be harmful to your dragon due to the high sugar content. Your dragon should eat approximately 70%…
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